
Before you can start with your e-commerce project, lets install Doorstep.

Virtual environment

Create a new virtual environment for Doorstep, its isolated Python environment which are more practical than installing Doorstep systemwide. They also allow installing packages without root privileges, you may create separate virtualenv for each of your e-commerce site.

$ virtualenv doorstep_env && source doorstep_env/bin/activate

Install Doorstep

Recommend way to install Doorstep is via pip, it will be easy to upgrade to latest version. Alternatively you can download repository and install with via setuptools python install

$ pip install --upgrade git+

Install LESS & Yuglify

Install LESS & Yuglify nodejs packages, which will be used by django-pipeline for javascript and CSS processing, nodejs setup also include npm package manager.

$ npm install -g less yuglify