
I’ll assume you have Doorstep installed already. You can tell which version by running the following command:

$ python -c "import doorstep; print(doorstep.get_version())"

If Doorstep is installed, you should see the version of your installation. If it isn’t, you’ll get an error telling “No module named doorstep”.

Start new project

If you haven’t develop with Django before, this documentation doesn’t cover you for Django development. Doorstep itself follows Django philosophy and uses, extends or even copies it where ever possible.

Start your own e-commerce project using, it simple wrapper around Django’s own

$ startproject ecomstore

Now that your own site is created, lets change directory to ecomstore & create database tables by running following command. This will create all tables required by Django & Doorstep. Default database is SQLite which is a good starting point, you can later switch to your favorite databases that are supported by Django.

$ python migrate

Run your site

Let’s run the builtin Django development server and verify by visiting, if all works well you will see web page with not products & listings. If you see error compiling CSS or Javascript than head over to installation and install LESS & Yuglify nodejs packages.

$ python runserver

Create site admin

Let’s create site admin or in Django term superuser. There are two ways to create site admin, by Django’s builtin command or the first user that register to the site will automatically becomes site admin.

$ python createsuperuser