
Doorstep is open source e-commerce solution, simplicity in designed is to thrive sales, which are reaching to be production ready. It is built on top of Django_ Web-development framework for Python.

Doorstep Apps

Doorstep is set of Django apps similar to builtin apps like session, auth, admin and etc, each app is design to serve specific purpose.

  • doorstep: core app for base classes of views and templates and hold all urls
  • doorstep.geo: contains models for country, state & addresses
  • doorstep.pages: to serve static pages for about, contact and policy
  • doorstep.accounts: extends Django auth model and also provide abstract classes
  • doorstep.catalog: products catalog and listings
  • doorstep.sales: order processing
  • doorstep.financial: currency rate and conversion
  • doorstep.payments: payment gateways like PayPal & Stripe

Built With

  • Django_: web development framework for python, we utilizes full stack.
  • LESS: styling totally done in LESS, a preprocessor for CSS.
  • Django-Pipeline: we use django-pipeline to compile & compress LESS and also compress Javascript before deployment.
  • PostgreSQL: I would recommend to use PostgreSQL for production, but project intended to support all databases that Django supports. SQLite is good alternative for small sites, let say 1000 orders per week won’t break a sweat, see limit for SQLite for more details, but it has lacks good tools for administration